Research & Webinars

Here we provide a number of reports and research summaries related to SMEs and innovation. You will find additional materials in our main research section.

Papers, briefs and publications

Interview with Xavier Bonjour, Microoled

Interview with Xavier Bonjour, Microoled

Looking into the world of light AR by the hand of Xavier Bonjour, Marketing & Partnerships Director of ActiveLook®

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From Semiconductor to Embracing a Better Life - IP Models for an Innovation Ecosystem at IMEC


From Semiconductor to Embracing a Better Life - IP Models for an Innovation Ecosystem at IMEC

Imec leverages its microchip technology in various technology platforms, which in turn cover a multitude of system platforms that enable smart solutions for health, industry, mobility, cities, entertainment, energy, education and agrifood. The webinar describes IMEC’s innovation network models bringing together a world-class infrastructure within the local and global ecosystem of government, universities and industry and its diverse expert partners across the value chain to accelerate progress towards a connected, sustainable future and the IP models to support such open innovation.

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WIPO and Intangible Asset Finance - Moving Intangible Asset Finance from the Margins to the Mainstream (Summary)

by Mohammad Ataul Karim

WIPO and Intangible Asset Finance - Moving Intangible Asset Finance from the Margins to the Mainstream (Summary)

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The EPO’s Women Inventors report: getting to the roots of women’s disproportion in patenting

by Faye Waterford

The EPO’s Women Inventors report: getting to the roots of women’s disproportion in patenting

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Patent Holdout and Small(er) Technology Firms

Patent Holdout and Small(er) Technology Firms

Most of the academic and policy attention in the past two decades has been focused on patent holdup theory that posits how weak patents asserted under the threat of injunctive relief can extract greater value than their true worth. This is peculiar given that the eBay ruling in 2006, and its subsequent interpretation by the courts, has greatly reduced the opportunity for injunctive relief in the US. This study instead investigates the symmetrical theory of patent holdout whereby strong patents asserted in a regime of weak injunctive relief can only extract value below their true worth. The focus of the study is on small(er) technology firms (STFs), which are generally understood as critical to economic growth, in contention with much larger incumbent market actors. In particular, the Sonos v. Google and Centripetal v. Cisco are provided as case studies.

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Are PAEs a Threat to Europe?

by Igor Nikolic

Are PAEs a Threat to Europe?

Patent Assertion Entities are often negatively portrayed as harmful “patent trolls” that engage in speculative and abusive patent litigation against manufacturing companies. Although mass PAE litigation has mainly been US phenomenon, a recent study indicated that PAEs are on the rise in Europe and a number of changes to the European patent and litigation system have been recommended. This paper provides a different perspective on PAEs. It will first show that not all PAEs engage in harmful activities and that most are in the legitimate business of patent licensing. Further, Europe has in place different patent and litigation incentives than the US, which effectively guard against any abusive patent litigation. Finally, the available evidence does not in fact show the presence of mass and harmful PAE litigation in Europe.

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Categories: Patent System and Patent Quality, SMEs, IP Enforcement