5G will support all aspects of our lives...
5G will support all aspects of our lives...

3. IoT sectors enhanced by cellular standards

IoT supported by cellular standards will transform our lives. The improvement of these sectors is and will be increasingly visible in smart cities. Indeed, the rapid and reliable data transfer offered by cellular standards enable cities to upgrade their infrastructure in a sustainable way.

Not only citizens and industry but also countries around the world will benefit from the IoT applications empowered by cellular standards. IoT applications alone are expected to have an economic impact of EUR 9 trillion per year by 2025 in developed countries, and the global revenue of consumer IoT will potentially reach EUR 404.6 billion by 2030.

Cellular standards positively impact all kind of sectors. This includes:

Cellular standards allow for intelligent transport systems, such as connected cars. Vehicles can share information with each other as well as with the road and network infrastructures. Examples of valuable information is positions and sensor measurements. Sensors can collect data on air quality and traffic levels transferred between devices over the Internet and analyse it. Drivers can then be directed to routes that minimise pollution and traffic jams.  Thanks to cellular connectivity, connected vehicles can offer advanced systems such as assisted and autonomous driving, as well as applications ranging from safety to navigation, entertainment, and lifestyle.  

In agriculture, thanks to cellular standards, farmers are able to monitor crops remotely and in real time by using soil sensors. This enables more precise decision making about the best time to harvest. This, in turn, results in a decrease in food waste, consequently reducing water waste. These and other accurate management practices can reduce emissions by 20%-30% across production systems, enabling more sustainable farming. Enhanced connectivity can also generate up to 25% increased productivity and decrease costs by 20%.  

In education, 5G connectivity will enable teachers to make use of mixed reality applications (using tools such as Augmented Reality - AR, Virtual Reality – VR, and Extended Reality - XR), creating a more engaging and interactive environment for learning opportunities. This mixed reality learning experience can be even more immersive with the use of headsets, visors, and sensors, making complex and abstract concepts more easily explained. Imagine biology students observing lions in a safari, or geology students watching an erupting volcano. All this not only makes learning easier, but also more enjoyable. These breath-taking examples are just a taste of what 5G can bring to education. Moreover, education can be accessible in remote and poor areas thanks to cellular standards, gradually closing the gap between developed and emerging countries.

Cellular standards are revolutionising manufacturing. By implementing 4G networks onto the factory floor, manufacturers are able to incorporate new technologies such automated production lines, the IoT, and drones. These new technologies increase efficiency and operational resilience against unforeseen events.  5G networks, on the other hand, offer the possibility to manufacturers to build smart factories and to truly take advantage of technologies such as automation, artificial intelligence and the IoT. This has a huge impact. Thanks to 5G, the manufacturing industry is expected to earn up to an additional €458.3 billion (sales uplift and cost savings) by 2026 in revenues across Europe.

In healthcare the possibilities are also immense. Shortages across physicians, nurses and other professionals in healthcare are estimated to reach 4.1 million by 2030. Here cellular standards can assist. For instance, interactions of patients from remote areas with doctors, wearables, multi-modal sensors,  telemedicine, etc. Today, 4G technology allows a patient to have an online appointment with the doctor for a prescription or refill. With 5G, a virtual visit would give a dermatologist the tools to accurately diagnose diseases such as skin cancer with real-time high-definition imaging.  In telemedicine with a virtual reality headset and a special glove to control a robot arm, doctors can perform an operation remotely. Thanks to 5G, the so-called ‘internet of skills’ creates opportunities to transfer human expertise in real time and over a significant distance. Due to cellular standards, the Internet of Bodies also allows for pacemakers to connect to the Internet and provide enhanced capabilities to the patients as well as monitoring their state. All this will revolutionise how healthcare is provided! 

By implementing 5G communication systems, cellular standards can significantly enhance the efficiency of public surveillance and security systems, including cameras in vehicles and public transportation. This advancement enables real-time communication, which is essential for video content analysis. Furthermore, adopting 5G facilitates the deployment and operation of a vast network of cameras, ensuring comprehensive coverage and heightened performance in surveillance operations, contributing to a more effective security infrastructure.

The IoT has also revolutionised the entertainment industry. Cellular standards, especially 5G, enable more immersive and interactive entertainment due to its capacity to handle lots of data with little delay. With high-speed, low-latency cellular networks, streaming of high-definition content allows users to enjoy movies, music, and games without interruptions.