Research & Webinars

Here we provide a number of reports and research summaries related to SMEs and innovation. You will find additional materials in our main research section.

Papers, briefs and publications

Who owns your ink? The copyright protection of tattoos

by Dr Paula Westenberger

Who owns your ink? The copyright protection of tattoos

This webinar addresses the legal protection afforded to tattoos by copyright law, covering current discussions on ownership and infringement of tattoos as copyright works, including in the context of commercial uses in video games and films. With Dr Paula Westenberger, Senior Lecturer in Intellectual Property Law at Brunel University London.

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Why automated patent analysis can be wrong, even when it’s right

by Axel Contreras-Alvarez

Why automated patent analysis can be wrong, even when it’s right

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Liability for trademark infringement involving artificial intelligence

by Gabriele Engels

Liability for trademark infringement involving artificial intelligence

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Enforcement in the Metaverse

by Michelle Ciotola and David Kincaid

Enforcement in the Metaverse

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