Licensing Negotiation Groups for SEPs - Collusive Technology Buyers Arrangements: Pitfalls and Reasonable Alternatives

Summary of ‘Licensing Negotiation Groups for SEPs - Collusive Technology Buyers Arrangements: Pitfalls and Reasonable Alternatives’.This article examines how LNGs could work in practice and raises concerns about LNGs turning into hidden buyers’ cartels creating an industry wide collective holdout. As a less restrictive alternative, it explains how existing patent pools and other similar licensing platforms already enable the efficiency and transaction costs savings in the IoT with no harmful anti-competitive effects.

Full paper available on SSRN (September 19, 2021).  SSRN and les Nouvelles (December 2021)

The full article has been published in German by Mitteilungen der deutschen Patentanwälte: Lizenzverhandlungsgruppen für SEP – Kollusives Zusammenwirken von Technologiekäufern: Risiken und angemessene Alternativen
